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 Journée du 27 mars 2013

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i love morocco
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Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 9:44

Pixon a écrit:
Abdou a écrit:

Admires M. PIXON!!!!!!!!

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qu'est ce que je vais admirer mon fils !!!

le soutien 3ayn bayn de la bancaire ou le délit d'initié qui chlingue sur la minière !! on essaye de nous faire passer le bak sahbi pour de la " super performing technical analysis" .... bullshit on est pas à wall street

Décidément tu es coriasse mon vieux, en tout cas je ne vais plus te casser la tête avec mes " super performing technical analysis". Smahliya bazaf.
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Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 9:44

Oummih a écrit:
as there is no real rule of law here with regards to securities trading, but I will definitely notify the SEC in the US, as violations of confidentiality agreements clearly occurred.
Excellent initiative if your complaint can be received
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Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 9:45

Abdou a écrit:

écoutez, devant l’expérience la théorie tombe à l'eau. Bss7a.
Kayn chi zerda ?

Vous me devez un mechoui Very Happy
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Nbre méssages : 263
Humeur : Happy
Réputation : 0
Inscris le : : 23/07/2012

Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:02

Aratchouf a écrit:
Oummih a écrit:
as there is no real rule of law here with regards to securities trading, but I will definitely notify the SEC in the US, as violations of confidentiality agreements clearly occurred.
Excellent initiative if your complaint can be received

The SEC does not have jurisdiction in Morocco. However, the Accounting firms are required to act, "with ethics" in their business dealings, particularly with regards to audits. Thus firms like KPMG and Deloite get around the ethics requirement by including weasel words in their Audit statements, like, "audits in accordance with Moroccan auditing practices" - but since American funds are invested based upon the statements of an American based Auditing firm, I believe that there are grounds to proceed.

In any event, my concern is why there is no investigation in Morocco. What occurred with CMT is clearly a crime, and this is likely not the first time, by a long shot, that insider trading has happened on a massive scale.

I still have a hard time believing that the Regulators here in Morocco could be in cahoots with these criminals!
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Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:04

Abdou a écrit:
Aratchouf a écrit:

Vous n'avez pas tord, on est bien d'accord la dessus mais c'est quand même les "données" qui font la tendance et non l'inverse

Donc nous P.P. nous n'avons que les graphes pour nous guider à prendre des décisions, nous n'avons pas notre mère fi laarse et nous ne disposons pas de données pour pouvoir se placer sur le marché. Alors pourquoi le critique? galake la cassure la sidi zekri!!!!
Wa ssi Abdou, l'un n'empêche pas l'autre
1/ Je vous dis bravo pour votre expertise et rigueur technique [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
2/ Les résultats sont tombés et ils ne sont pas terribles ; si l'on excluait le dividende exceptionnel, les cours auraient probablement reflué comme peau de chagrin scratch

Je ne fais pas partie des paranos qui voient des complots partout mais je ne crois pas non plus que l'on vit dans un monde de bisounours Cool

Au final, j'estime qu'il est tout à fait légitime de se poser des questions sur les motivations de tous ceux qui se sont goinfrés en CMT ces dernières semaines !
Je n'accuse donc personne mais je demande à ce que l'on s'assure que les fils de *** n'ont pas de nouveau frappé
C'est aux gendarmes de la bourse (s'ils existent) d'agir study

Dernière édition par Aratchouf le Mer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:08, édité 3 fois
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Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:04


Dernière édition par Abdou le Mer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:30, édité 1 fois
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Nbre méssages : 3192
Réputation : 6
Inscris le : : 03/11/2009

Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:18

Abdellatif Jouahri siffle la fin de la récréation. Le déficit budgétaire de 2012 est finalement estimé à 7,6%

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Nbre méssages : 263
Humeur : Happy
Réputation : 0
Inscris le : : 23/07/2012

Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:19

I think that this forum is the correct platform where this discussion needs to begin:

We constantly complain about a lack of ethics in the business world, and technically, there is no law that requires people to behave ethically in Morocco, it would be nice if there were, but there isn't.

However, there are laws that govern the dissemination of confidential information. As a consultant, when you make recommendations which you believe are going to be acted upon, like a "special dividend" this is information that you are NOT allowed to leak to anyone. In particular, something as blatant as a, "special dividend" would not exactly require a rocket scientist to investigate.

You simply follow the money. You send a Subpoena to the Exchange requesting the names of all companies and/or people who put in large purchase orders on CMT over the past 3 months. By large orders, lets just talk about orders greater than 100,000 DH - then you interrogate some of the small fish and get them to turn on the big fish through good old fashioned police work.

This is NOT rocket science - and this is why most Analysts would never even consider giving out insider trading information, because it is relatively easy to prosecute and in addition to losing your 6 figure income, you get a Felony and go to jail!

This needs to happen here, but it can only happen here if we, the people demand change.

Government must be accountable to the people - that is how positive change happens.

Lets at least do a survey here. Lets do a survey on whether you trust that regulations are enforced on the MASI. If I am a lone voice, and if you think I am being paranoid, please tell me!

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
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Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:24

Oummih a écrit:
In any event, my concern is why there is no investigation in Morocco. What occurred with CMT is clearly a crime, and this is likely not the first time, by a long shot, that insider trading has happened on a massive scale.

I still have a hard time believing that the Regulators here in Morocco could be in cahoots with these criminals!
wait and see, we do not know yet whether there will be an investigation or not
Morocco is changing and the golden age for financial criminals is behind us Cool
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Nbre méssages : 3504
Réputation : 27
Inscris le : : 11/03/2010

Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:31

Aratchouf a écrit:
Oummih a écrit:
In any event, my concern is why there is no investigation in Morocco. What occurred with CMT is clearly a crime, and this is likely not the first time, by a long shot, that insider trading has happened on a massive scale.

I still have a hard time believing that the Regulators here in Morocco could be in cahoots with these criminals!
wait and see, we do not know yet whether there will be an investigation or not
Morocco is changing and the golden age for financial criminals is behind us Cool

make me laugh lol! ....
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Nbre méssages : 263
Humeur : Happy
Réputation : 0
Inscris le : : 23/07/2012

Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 10:37

Aratchouf a écrit:
Oummih a écrit:
In any event, my concern is why there is no investigation in Morocco. What occurred with CMT is clearly a crime, and this is likely not the first time, by a long shot, that insider trading has happened on a massive scale.

I still have a hard time believing that the Regulators here in Morocco could be in cahoots with these criminals!
wait and see, we do not know yet whether there will be an investigation or not
Morocco is changing and the golden age for financial criminals is behind us Cool

I really hope you are right.

I think the authorities just need to understand how important it is that there is faith in the financial markets.

Large scale Investment can only happen if there is absolute clarity. You cannot expect financial markets to develop if people don't trust regulators to keep everyone honest. I have a lot of faith in some of the really great people I have met here in Morocco at a number of top corporations and even some Ministry employees, and I know that they share the same sense of urgency with regards to transparency and integrity becoming the norm that I have

I really hope that this gets investigated - Just opening an investigation, or rather letting the investing public know that an investigation was opened, would go a long way towards showing potential Moroccan investors that the rule of Law does in fact exist on the MASI.

Many have spoken about how to improve investor confidence - how to reverse the contraction of volumes traded, well, one very easy fix is to let it be known that this matter is being investigated!
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Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013 - 11:07

Un champion de l'onanisme la bourse est aux manœuvres avec Jet Alu clown
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MessageSujet: Re: Journée du 27 mars 2013   Journée du 27 mars 2013 - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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